Sabbat in Warsaw

Do you know the good feeling that you get right after waking up after your first night of vacation? Well rested, relaxed and ready for new adventures! No wonder, because our hotel bed was comfortable and the room quiet with a window to the patio.

Outside view of Piekarnia Aromat

The breakfast buffet looked tempting but we wanted to try a local breakfast spot. Our destination was a piekarnia, a bakery. Piekarnia Aromat is a small bakery with two shops, one in ul. Sienna, right in Warsaws modern city centre. There is no way to miss the bakery. The big cookie logo led us the way to breakfast.

Inside view of Piekarnia Aromat

We chose coffee and sweet pastries and realized afterwards that we could have had the chance to build a 'proper' breakfast with different items. No need to be upset. My almond croissant was warm and delicious!

Almond croissant and coffee

It was a sunny and warm morning and we decided to walk to the first sight of the day: Powązki. Powązki is a district of Warsaw that is home of several cemeteries. To get there we had to walk the al. Jana Pawla II, one of Warsaws arterial roads, first. The traffic was loud and the further we went down the road, the more dirty got my hands from pushing the wheelchair. I didn't mind. I liked how Urban Warsaw suckt me in.


At one point we turned into a much quieter and smaller street. The sidewalk got more bumpy but still manageable with the wheelchair. We passed dozens of grey industrialized apartment blocks and just when it started to get boring we saw the rich green of the Jewish cemetery. High stone walls surround the park. To get into the cemetery you have to pass a heavy-looking door. Reaching the door handle we saw a sign with opening hours. The cemetery was closed – it was sabbat!

Evangelical Cemetery of the Augsburg Confession

Evangelical Cemetery of the Augsburg Confession

Powązki cemetery

Luckily we didn't let this incident get us down and kept on walking along the wall. It lead us to the other cemeteries of Powązki like the Evangelical Cemetery of the Augsburg Confession or the Protestant Reformed Cemetery and finally Powązki cemetery itself.

Powązki cemetery

Powązki cemetery

Paths that seem to never end, concrete that is easily cracked by trees, age-old. All kinds of vaults and tombstones, sculpted in detail. Seeing this always gives me a feeling of calmness and inner peace. And maybe it is just me, but old tombstones remind me of Disneys Frontierland.

Powązki cemetery

 Time flew and after two hours of relaxing we stepped back from the end of the 18th century onto the busy and noisy streets of Warsaw. Continue here.

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